Lifestyle Galaxy S9 Mining and Giga Watt and Why It Matters to You

When Lifestyle Galaxy first negotiated cryptocurrency mining co-location and management, in 2015, Giga Watt was considered the premier Cryptocurrency Mining Co-location operation in the United States. They were knowledgeable and even had a certain celebrity status. Lifestyle Galaxy was new to the industry and this seemed like a perfect match. But there were some rough edges that started to reveal themselves several months after Lifestyle Galaxy entered into agreements with them.

Giga Watt kept control of all data acquisition and then fed that data to Lifestyle Galaxy who then passed it on to their members. But there was no process for Lifestyle Galaxy to audit the accuracy of the information being passed to them. This was most prevalent in the S9 installations.

Discovering the realities of real-world S9 rewards – Important document:

The mining rewards was being grossly overinflated by Giga Watt because of errors in their monitoring and reporting system. Lifestyle paid their members based on these overly generous metrics even though industry metrics indicated something wrong. Lifestyle Galaxy repeatedly attempted to get them to correct the errors that apparently must exist. After onerous, in-depth examinations of the data versus industry metrics, Lifestyle Galaxy was finally able to document and prove errors in their system.

By the time Lifestyle Galaxy got them to focus on the situation, Lifestyle Galaxy had already paid out thousands upon thousands of dollars of over-inflated returns on the S9 mining. In the process, false mining expectations were created by these inflated returns which no one else in the industry was paying.

When the error was finally corrected, Lifestyle Galaxy did not attempt to recover the incorrectly paid amounts from the miners, even though the error was through no fault of Lifestyle Galaxy.

Lifestyle Galaxy, obviously, was not the only Giga Watt customer to experience these issues and as a matter of fact they were shutting down S9 miners in the 4th quarter 2018, who were mining directly with them. We believe it was these types of issues that contributed to Giga Watt’s problems.

But what does all of this really mean to Lifestyle Galaxy S9 miners who co-locate with Lifestyle Galaxy?

Lifestyle Galaxy has come out of this experience as one of the strongest co-location and cryptocurrency mining operations in the world.

  1. Lifestyle Galaxy controls and directly manages all of their mining facilities.
  2. Lifestyle Galaxy controls and audits the accuracy of all mining data.
  3. Lifestyle Galaxy has managed all of the expense of their operation in such a way that they were able to make S9 miners produce a positive throughput. This is a key point, since most of their competitors simply shut off their S9 miners, because they could not produce a positive cash flow over mining expenses.
  4. They were not able to re-create the overinflated numbers that Giga Watt produced. Those were inaccurate and would be unsustainable (note the demise of Giga Watt). But it is a testament to our technical team that they can produce any positive throughput from S9s. Why is this? S9s are now several years old and are trying to compete in an environment with S15 and S17 miners which have and efficiency and throughput numerous times beyond the s9 Miners. This is like taking an old model mid-range car to the racetrack and trying to compete with the latest race cars. This trend will continue as technology marches forward.
  5. Lifestyle Galaxy subsidized returns while the court battle raged on. Any other S9 miners would have loved to have their hosts subsidize their returns. Instead, those companies closed doors or simply shut down the S9 operations. Lifestyle Galaxy was the only company in the world that provided subsidies during the Crypto Winter and Bear Market.
  6. Lifestyle Galaxy is the ONLY mining operation that is giving their miners a method of upgrade through the repurchase system. But, keep in mind, the core mining is still an S9 running at S9 speeds and only the portion of the mined amounts that are repurchased are getting S17 Speeds.
  7. Lifestyle Galaxy obtained more favourable power pricing that was passed through to our miners.
    The Gigawatt case has hundreds of participants and the final adjudication for each of may be years in coming for them, the proceedings are still kept confidential until their cases are resolved.

However, Lifestyle Galaxy has been granted a settlement signed by the court. The settlement was achieved finally in April through thousands of hours of legal processing by our team working with Randy Prince as the corporate contact. The actual decree for Lifestyle Galaxy was signed by the court in just the past week.

Here are some key quotations from the letter sent by the Lifestyle Galaxy legal team to Randy on May 20th, 2019.

We are pleased to advise you that today… (Lifestyle Galaxy) was granted your Settlement reached in mid-April. That Settlement for your Washington State Moses Lake Eco Pod operation for Lifestyle Galaxy and Galaxy Mining secured favorable terms, including non-disturbance of your ownership in the Eco Pod, securing possession of the mining equipment and resuming power at reduced pass-through power pricing.
Your management team’s immediate response and active participation supported our aggressive legal negotiation of advantageous terms with the Bankruptcy Trustee, in order to promptly restore operations for the benefit of your mining operations. Although the Giga Watt Bankruptcy has negatively impacted many other mining operations and is expected to do so for several years to come, the rights to Lifestyle Galaxy and Galaxy Mining continued Moses Lake Eco Pod operation has been established and the Bankruptcy proceedings should have little to no future impact on your operations.

There are some members who lost faith in Lifestyle Galaxy and decried their efforts as non-existent or non-effective. Nothing could be further from the truth as you can read above. Lifestyle Galaxy not only protected the interests of their members but paved the way for other miners to recover their assets.

Today Lifestyle Galaxy is one the strongest and safest co-location operations in the world. Lifestyle Galaxy has obtained the most favourable results for their S9 miners today and has made every realistic effort possible to ensure their future viability through automated repurchasing upgrades.

Lifestyle Galaxy has proven that they can weather the worst storms and are indeed able to stand the “test of time”. As we come out of the Crypto Winter, there has never been a better time to participate in mining operations with Lifestyle Galaxy.